aTAMMmommy’s Weblog

May 14, 2008

The Bachelor’s Shayne Lamas

Filed under: abc,dancing with the stars — by tammommy @ 12:37 pm
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 Okay this is for those of you that were mad at me for stating my opinion, that this realtionship between Matt and Shayne (the Brit and the Twit – as I saw them referred to on another article), was more for show, was not real, and that he made the wrong choice if he really wanted to get married.  You know, one, it was my opinon, based on my experience and my view of what went on and, yes my background in Psychology did probably bias it a little, but that is what i saw, and I stand by that.  This, on the other hand, is what Shayne has done, and my opinion is that it only reinforces what I previously said about her.

To celebrate, or announce her engagement, Shayne posed almost nude for Girls Gone Wild magazine.

Okay, I don’t know about you all, but I never knew there was such a thing as a GGW magazine, and to find out that there is, well, I am not sure that is a good thing. To pose for it is another matter.  I shae this because I got comments from people telling me how mature and intelligent Shayne was and that I misjudged her, and I am sorry that I did, because yes I did misjudge her, I actually thought she was above this kind of tastless display, and if you continue to read the article, apparently she is scheduled to star in a move. Of course, the movie sounds to be about one step away from a porn, but it’s a movie none-the-less.

I am sorry to all of you that like this girl, but to me, this display just shows that she is no where close to being ready for a relationship or marriage and that she is too young and yes, needy. She needs attention, which is the only reason I can think of to do a magazine like that!



  1. I never knew such a magazine existed. Your last paragraph: I totally agree with everything you said.

    ETA: by tammommy – Thanks Karen. I guess for me there are just some lines you don’t cross, and working for a person of such suspect reputation as GGW, well, I just can’t see anything good coming from this.

    Comment by Karen — May 17, 2008 @ 9:46 am |Reply

  2. ALMOST NUDE???? Are you a PRUDE?? She is in Ligerie and it is NOT skimpy at all. Puuuuuuuuuuleeezzz. Secondly..she has been VERY open about her career. IF YOU woudln’t stop your career for a man (or *I* woudnt)..why should she??? She was doing this type of stuff BEFORE she met Mat. That is as if you got pissy because after he asked her to marry him HE would close a new deal. Stop the hating and get a life…maybe that way you will stop worrying about others.

    ETA: by tammmommy – If you look at the second picture in the spread, not the cover picture, she is shown wearing nothing but a wedding veil. And secondly, it is not the pictures or the choice to do them that I commented about, it is the fact that she would drop to the level of GGW, which has to be the most disprected and suspect franchise around, the owner has just spent time in jail for child porn and entrapment (getting girls drunk and taking pictures of them).

    Comment by MsticalPrincess — May 17, 2008 @ 6:50 pm |Reply

  3. PS….you are needy and need attention because you are a MODEL??? What about Madonna? What about JLO? What about Carmen Electra? What about Reese Whiderspoon? Heidi Klu? What about Courtney Cox??? You saying that if someone keeps up their carrer (A CAREER THAT INCLUDES EXPOSING YOURSELF IN MANY WAYS) then you are NOT ready for a commitment or motherhood? What a crock of crap. Where do you live??? PRUDE-PURITAN-TOWN USA????

    ETA: by tammmommy – If you will read what I said, I never said anything about her career choice. I made comments about her being needy based soley on her actions throughout the airing of The Bachelor, based on my background in Psychology. It has nothing to do with her career choice, but everything to do with her interactions with other people. This magazine spread only re-inforced my previous opinions, not because of the pictures in and of themselves, but because of the magazine itself.
    And only because you asked, I will respond, but no I don’t live in prude-town, in fact I live in a very liberal college town, but that has nothing to do with what I feel. I am a mother of two beautiful daughters, and that has changed they way I look at a number of things, and this magazine spread is, to me, colored by my daughters and my desires for them to be respected and treated well, nothing to be proud of nor will it advance her career in the mainstream media.

    Comment by MsticalPrincess — May 17, 2008 @ 6:53 pm |Reply

  4. Tammy your out of touch….get a babysitter and go out and have a little fun. Join a yoga or exercise class, I think you are the one who is needy based on my psychology background

    eta by TAMMmommy: – You know, I am unsure why you feel I am needy, is it because I enjoy the written word, and have choosen to reflect that love by trying my hand at writting, and since I write in a public forum, only because it is available to me, I am needy? I am unsure. As to being out of touch, not sure what yu mean there, other than the fact that I have different morals and values than you do, but then that is the part that is great about America. Not sure why I would need to get out more, I already have more on my plate than I really want, between Girl Scouts, Cub Scouts, Football, Swimming, my work in the educational field and not to mention my family. Joining a yoga class would not change my mind on what I wrote, I would still have the same morals and values and still have the same degree in psychology and I would say the same thing. Not sure where you got your degree from, but the college I got my degree from must teach completely different classes.

    Comment by ANDY — October 1, 2008 @ 12:17 pm |Reply

  5. thank you for this great article, I love it.

    Comment by mike — February 25, 2010 @ 12:31 pm |Reply

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