aTAMMmommy’s Weblog

July 1, 2008

Next FoodNetwork Star – Season 4, Episode 5

Episode 5 begins with Cat Cora introducing the mini-challenge, they will have 30 minutes to creat a dish with the six ingredients before them, which they will then have 1 minute to describe on camera. Once the dishes are made the twist is introduced, and they are told to switch dishes and describe the others dish

Overall, the winner of the mini-challenge is…… SHANE

Main challenge, the winner will be featured with their receipe in the August edition of Bon Appetite magazine. The challenge, to take a complex dish and reinvent it for the home cook, with only 45 minutes to prepare and cook it.  The teams and the dishes:

  1. Beef Wellington – Shane and Kelsey
  2. Turduken – Lisa and Jennifer
  3. Coc Au Vin – Adam and Aaron

Judging and Thoughts:

  1. Lisa and Jennifer – the turkey was bland so Lisa makes a gravy and Jennifer thinks it is too herby, so she tries to doctor it and it never makes the plate, neither does Jennifer’s side dish, the grilled squash that she broke a bottle of juice over. The judges felt that Jennifer had no connection with the camera and came across as having no knowledge of the food.  The were all surprised about the number of mishapps in the kitchen.
  2. Kelsey and Shane – the colors of the dish wouldn’t photograph well, but the filet was done great. They loved the presonalities, but realyl want Kelsey to stop mentioning that she just got out of cuilinary school all the time.
  3. Adam and Aaron – Aaron came across as very nervous, but you can tell he is really tying to open up more. The polenta was a bad choice though, it was just bad. So far the competition, the food from Adam has not been good, so he is on thin ice with the judges.

Winners, and in August’s Bon Appetite magazine:  Kelsey and Shane

Going home:  Jennifer
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