aTAMMmommy’s Weblog

June 3, 2008

The Bachelorette – Episode Three

Filed under: abc,reality tv,The Bachelorette — by tammommy @ 8:55 am
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It’s Monday night, so another episode of the Bachelorette was one, but unlucky for me, this is also Vacation Bible School, and seeing as I am the director, I couldn’t miss that, so I missed the first hour of the Bachelorette, since it started at 8pm this week because of The Mole. I really liked the 9pm start time.

So, I missed the one-on-one date that DeAnna had with Richard, and what was said, but I do know that it must have occurred first since it seemed to effect the other guys actions, and I do know that she did not give Richard the rose on the date, so that meant that he went home right then. I was actually very impressed with her for that. I can’t remember another time that someone on a one-on-one date did not get the rose and went home right then. I felt that her being able to not succumb to the pressures and not give a rose on the date was wonderful and it truely meant that she was there for the right reasons.

I also missed the Hoe-Down group date, but I did figure out the Robert got a rose and the Ron and Jeremy were at each other, well surprise surprise. I don’t think Ron has had a good word to say about jeremy from day one, and I am not sure why he dislikes him so much, but he really has a hugh chip on his shoulder when it comes to Jeremy.

I made it home in time to see the last half of Jason and DeAnna’s one-on-one date. I missed when Jason told DeAnna about his son, but I came in when DeAnna was telling Jason all about her mom, which I was wondering about because I know the basic facts, that her mom passed of cancer when she was younger, but she never really opens up about it, how it effected her or anything more than it happened. My answer came soon after as she thanked Jason and told him that she was 26 and in all the guys she had dated no one had cared enough to even ask about her mom, so I take that to mean that Jason asked her to tell, which to me just proves that Jason is really trying to get to know her and being genuine in this whole process.

I did get to see the trip to the Ellen show, and I laughed alot at the things Ellen asked of them, but I was very impressed that some of the guys really seemed to take the Ellen show seriously and when she asked, they gave good honest answers. I noticed that Ellen picked up on some committment fears that Graham might have, and that is something that I have wondered about, not based on his past relationships, but just the way he is with DeAnna, almost like it is all physical attraction right now with them and he isn’t willing to let it go to more than that. I think Ellen saying that, as an outside person will help DeAnna to make a good decision when the time comes.  Oh and Ellen gave a rose to Fred! WOW!

So, who went home this week,.  Well, you already know that Richard went home on his date, and although it was sad, I think it was a good choice.  Ron went home at the Rose Ceremony and I really think that was a good decision, I just don’t think there was anything there between them and I am not sure that Ron was really all into this whole process.  Paul was the last guy to leave last night, and I think it was sad because Paul was really starting to fall for DeAnna, but I just think he was a little young, and although he seems more mature than Jesse at times, I just think he wasn’t the right one, nothing against Paul, I think he is a great guy, but just not the right guy.

So, next week, we get Jason, Fred and Robert moving into the mansion with DeAnna, the race track date and then we got previews of the “blow up” at the guys bunkhouse. Not sure what happens, or if we will really see that next week, but it looks like DeAnna calls them to task on the process and whether they are in it for her or not. Should be good!
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