aTAMMmommy’s Weblog

June 9, 2008

BuzzFuse – Please rate!

Filed under: Uncategorized — by tammommy @ 9:32 am

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HGTV Design Star – Season 3, Episode 1

Filed under: Design Star,HGTV,reality tv — by tammommy @ 9:22 am
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So last night began the Third Season of HGTV’s Design Star, you all know I have watched both prevoius seasons, I love David Bromstead, of season one, and I voted for Todd of season two, haven’t watched anything Kim has done. Anyway, on to season three, this year located in Nashville TN.

The first half of the show was the audtions, well actually a little longer than that, probably the first 3/4ths was the auditions, then we finally get to met the constants, although they did feature each of the contestants that made it through in the auditions.

We see a Black Dodge Durango (product placement sure, but since I drive a Dodge Durango, it was kinda nice to see) and out hope the contestants, one at a time, one vehicle at a time….until all nine are finally there, and where is there? Well, for sure it is not a luxury house. It is a spot by a lake set up with cots, tools and wood.

First is Tracee, 35, from KY, she owns a design company and a building company. Then comes Michael, the cop from FL. Next is Trish, 36, from MI who claims she is a decorator not a designer, and then the yong guns, of Michael, 23 who constantly says “It’s official, I’m amazing”, he is already on my nerves. Next is Matt, 38 from CO, if I remember right, and he has designed and built his own home, but it took him eight years. Then we get Jennifer, 32, who orginally auditioned with her husband, but only she made it, but she has no construction skills at all. D. Paul, 33 is next and then Jeorme Scott, 39, defintely southern and wearing a suit!

For the last contestant, I guess they put two people up online, and viewers got to vote on the final cast member, Humm. I never heard anything about that! Stephanie at 27, blubbly blonde made it.

Clive arrives on a boat and tells them that they have one week and $100,000 and all the materials and supplies behind them to build their own house in one week! And with that, he tosses the paint can with the money at them and says, your time starts now, and leaves. They are all in disbelief, a couple saying this is NOT what they signed up for, and I am loving it! Of course, they spent so much time on the audtions that the show ends right at the point of Clive saying time starts now! Can’t wait to see what happens! I think this is an amazing challenge, don’t think they can do it, but I love it!!

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