aTAMMmommy’s Weblog

June 30, 2008

HGTV Design Star, Season 3, Episode 4

Filed under: Design Star,HGTV,reality tv — by tammommy @ 2:17 pm
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Another Episode of Design Star is under our belts, so what went down (in flames….a number of the designers)?

We start with the designers milling around the kitchen when someone finds a note…design starts everywhere, met me at the airport and don’t forget your passport. They are all getting excited thinking they are going somewhere, yeah right, like HGTV is going to pay to send any of them anywhere.

The challenge is to design a room (one of the identicial white squares in a hanger, we’re used to these) inspired by the country you got for $500, plus two gallons of paint (which would probably have been about $50) and 12 hours. All shopping will be done at Michael’s Arts and Crafts, which kinda limits the design and what you can buy. Product placement!!

A couple of really good quotes from last night all come from Tracee:  “If this turns out the way I think it will, the way I see it then I’ll win” and then later “Everyone is being nice to me, they must now have figured out that they need to keep the biggest competetor’s close to them”. Of course I am laughing so hard at this it is not funny, it’s almost tragic that Tracee thinks she is that good, when she is clearly not. Two weeks and in the bottom both weeks, the only thing to save her was that someone else was worse, she is the Lisa of Design Star (referrence to Top Chef).

Jennifer is walking through the isleways and breaks two of Trish’s vases, which just happen to all be piled right out where people are suppose to be walking, if she was so concerned about them, then I would have hidden them somewere away from the main walking traffic lines.  Mikey V has to show Michael how to use the saw, oh this does not bode well for the little guy, Michael. And then as to color, all I can say is for the countires of Italy, Spain, and Mexico there is an awlful lot of lime green paint. Did lime green suddenly represent these countries and I missed the memo?

As the designers arrive for Judging they are met in the green room by Angelo and Lisa LaPorta, which has all the desingers atwitter, thinking they must be special to get to met these people, but I think what HGTV was trying to say to them was this is what you could be, but none of you are getting it yet. You all are no David Bromstead.


  1. Jennifer: yellowish walls, blue furniture, pattern freehanded onto the walls, made the room look like a big piece of pottery. The judges loved that she drew the pattern, called her a real contendor and that her room had high impact and a fanstic job. Personally, although I didn’t like the pattern on the walls, this was probably the best room, and the only one (aside for Mikey V) that actually implied the country they were suppose to be using as inspriation.
  2. Tracee: berry pink walls, black floor and band at the top, a cartoon sleigh bed and cardbaord drawing of a mirror and a drawing of a chandelier on the wall. This was called cartoony, defintely not Italy, modern and interesting, and then Vern said he hated this room! I’m with Vern. There is nothing about this that makes me think Italy, nothing! I think Mikey V or Michael called it Barbie dream house, and that is what it was.
  3. Michael: He said he wanted this to be a lunge in a club in Barcelona, it was black and lime green, what about this says Spain? Vern said he looked more Spainsh than that room, and I have to agree. It was totally not Spain, and not it, it could be a club anywhere in the world, and I think it was Cynthia that said it was jsut not a design star room, to which Michael cried and kept saying sorry.
  4. Trish: It was navy blue, with lime green and white accents, and the judges called it predictable but not Mexico, the clean lines were nice, because they were starting to think all she could do was “grandma tradtional” and they liked her floor, which looked a little odd to me, but oh well. I just missed the memo saying that navy and lime green were the new colors in Mexico.
  5. Stephanie: It was all black, with an arbor above a bed of ottmans. Sorry, I didn’t like it, didn’t get it at all, but the judges like her lighting, and said she does a great job at setting a mood.
  6. Mikey V: He did a red and black room, with bambo and just really felt like Thailand, but the judges felt he went too literal, that it was almost Thai take-out, but overall okay.
  7. Matt: Had been watching too much of last season, and was trying to channel Todd from last season, and I am sorry but Matt you are no Tood. Anyway, he tried to build a scultpure out of the sofas to be a Buddast Temple, the judges didn’t see it, they weren’t blown away, but they did give him credit for going big, for trying, it was a high concept, it just didn’t work.

After deliberations, the judges called:

Mikey V and Trish –  your work was satisfactory this week, you are safe

Jennifer and Stephanie – you were the best of the week, you are safe

Tracee – this was largely unsucessful, Matt – we appericate that you went big, it just missed the make, Michael – you had the upper hand by being able to pick your country, but your design was unoriginal…..

Michael your show has been cancelled.


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    There is no reality in Design Star. The producers picked the winner before the show started. A woman will win this season.

    ETA: -by tammommy – How can it be fixed when the public is given the chance to vote on the winner of the final two? Also the public was given the chance to vote in one of the designers before the show ever started taping? How did they fix that?
    Besides that, a woman won last year, and I highly doubt if they were fixing the show they would have two women in a row, espically since the Season One winner is doing a better job than the Season Two winner, or at least I know that I have watched Color Splash with the Season One winner and never seen the show with the Season Two winner.
    I’m just not that jaded as to think they fixed the show, what fun would it be to watch then?

    Comment by lucky7 — June 30, 2008 @ 3:11 pm |Reply

  2. I am still in shock that Michael actually went home. Other people’s were worse than his. Boring is better than being ugly.

    …Not that I really liked him or anything, but he was definitely one of the most entertaining.

    ETA: by TAMmommy – I agree! The fact that Lisa, I mean Tracee has been in the bottom three weeks in a row should have weighed more heavily than the one design. I did agree, his design had nothing to do with Spain, and the whole challegne was to design something inspired by that country.

    Comment by Kim — June 30, 2008 @ 5:32 pm |Reply

  3. HGTV wants a woman to win because Myles of Style is tanking in the ratings and will be cancelled soon.

    Comment by lucky7 — July 1, 2008 @ 12:04 am |Reply

  4. If “miles of style” gets cancelled – it’s not because Kim lacks talent. The show is misleading, they advertised that $ is not a problem but that’s only if you have a bundle of cash hanging around. Kim is good but only because her budjet is generous – unlike design on a dime where they have to be creative in building and shopping in resale shops. Also, It’s a shame they didn’t get rid of 2 designers – Michael was given the best opportunity to show his flair in designing and he blew it. That room was nowhere close to embracing Spain, Vern was right, he looked more spanish than that room did. He didn’t even show any creativity. Had he made the window to reflect a scene, a plaza or anything close to Spain he may have had a chance to save his show; yeah as a host he has flair but even that was getting old quick. As for Tracee, what was she smoking! It was hideous and please don’t insult cartoonist by comparing her room to a cartoon! Tracee needs to get a reality check if she thinks her room had any style. Micky V. did what was asked and then got slamed – hey. they asked for thai and he executed it – so what if he went over the bend, he took it to heart and gave them what they wanted, he should’ve been number 1. Oh, someone please tell trish that Mexico loves bold colors with earth tones – blue and lime doesn’t cut it. I’m going on vacation so please keep up the great blog – I plan on keeping up with the show by checking in if I find a cyber cafe – Take care –

    ETA: – by tammommy – Thanks for the comments. I never really “got” Kim last season, in fact I voted for Todd, so that is probably the first reason I have never really watched her show. design on a Dime is probably my favorite show they have. If I could turn in a suggestion to HGTV, it would be to stop focusing only on the coast, and look at doing things and redesigns for the rest of us folks, like the normal family in the midwest that just doesn’t have the big budgest to do things right now.
    Love the show, no matter what, so I will continue to recap, hope you’re able to catch up while your on vacation!

    Comment by Edmee — July 5, 2008 @ 2:46 am |Reply

  5. good focus , search this from blogsearch plus good luck for you.just tally up the rss feed toward my reader,keep update!

    Comment by vefsaleriaSal — April 14, 2010 @ 6:44 am |Reply

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